We’re Having a Baby Room Open Day At Bright Little Stars Watford!

No Registration fee if you Register on the day!

Join us on Saturday 20th April anytime between 9am – 2pm to find out if Bright Little Stars Nursery in Watford is the perfect fit for you and your little one.

You will get to meet our wonderful team, have the opportunity to look around and ask as many questions as you wish. You can also find out about our unique learning programme and how we tailor activities to give your child a happy and healthy environment.

Please complete the form below to attend the Watford Open Day.

80 Sheepcot Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 0EA

Date: 20th April 2024    Time: 9am-2pm

Email: [email protected]


    First Name:

    Last Name:

    Address Line 1:

    Address Line 2:




    Child’s First Name:

    Child’s Last Name:

    Child’s Date of Birth (or Expected):

    Which sessions are you interested in?

    Full-TimeIndividual Sessions

    When is your preferred start date?

    How did you hear about us?

    Please let us know who recommended us

    I am happy for Bright Little Stars Nurseries to contact me by telephone, email or post to further discuss my registration:

    Please tick

    We would like to send you information about Bright Little Stars Nurseries, our latest initiatives and offers:

    Yes pleaseNo thank you

    Time you would like to attend:

    How many people will be attending?:

    You will be contacted shortly once we have received your submission to confirm your booking.

    * All fields are required