Hope for 2021!

The challenges of 2020 are now giving way to the hopes of 2021. Here are a few ways to inspire your children for a brighter 2021!
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Embracing Winter

Winter weather can pose new challenges, but also offer new experiences for children too! Here we offer ideas of how to engage with rain, wind and snow. Not only to support children’s learning, but also to engage with the elements. As the British fellwalker and guidebook author/illustr
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Talking To Children About Discrimination – 20 Resources for Parents

The ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement and recent tragedies, along with the latest news and media, have had a huge impact on the conversations we are having at home with our children. For a lot of parents, they are reaching out online and to other parents for advice, to learn about the mov
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Less Screen Time, More Reading! Books and Audiobooks

Recent studies have shown that screen time, including television, tablet, and smart phone, for children ages 2-10 is on the rise. The rapidly advancing technology, combined with the COVID-19 crisis lockdown, has more children than ever turning to their devices as a source of entertain
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The Importance of Family this Father’s Day

The definition of the word family can mean many things. However, we can perhaps agree that words to describe family should include; love, compassion and support.
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There’s Mindfulness in Nature

Spring is the perfect time to engage more proactively with nature. As the world begins to bloom and blossom outside, introduce your children to the delights of planting and growing. Gardening takes planning, decision making, effort, attention, time and a lot of patience. Do not be dis
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Activities for Parents and Little Ones to do at Home during the Coronavirus Pandemic

With the current Coronavirus pandemic, parents are adding the role of full-time educator to their long list of responsibilities. This unique time can be very rewarding but also very challenging.  At Bright Little Stars, we are really missing our families and we are trying our best to
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The Truths and the Dos and Don’ts of Private School Applications

It can be one of the most stressful roles as a parent, when the time comes to make the decision on which schools to make applications to. Here at BLS we are in the unique position of having Gill Baldemor as our Head of Teaching & School Relationships to support our parents with th
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Mental Health and Well-Being

In a world where mental health and well-being are being fully recognised as paramount for each and every individual, we at Bright Little Stars are doing all we can to support the little ones  in our care to begin to recognise their emotions and to be able to self-regulate their behavi
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The Best Start to the New Year for you and your Family

The holiday season is behind us and the New Year has already begun. As we settle back into our routine of work or nursery/school, it’s important to remember those goals that we have set for ourselves for this New Year. Whether your goal was to become healthier or better organised, kee
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