7 Tips for Helping Your Baby Sleep Soundly on Holiday

Travelling with a baby can be delightful yet challenging, especially regarding their sleep in unfamiliar surroundings. Check out our “7 Tips for Helping Your Baby Sleep Soundly on Holiday” by Victoria Rose from Allaboutbabies. These tips include sticking to familiar bedtim
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Eco-Friendly Christmas Decorations to Enjoy Making With All The Family

As the festive season approaches, what better way to celebrate than by creating eco-friendly Christmas decorations that bring joy to your home and the planet? At Bright Little Stars, we believe in combining creativity with sustainability, making the holiday season even more special fo
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Yummy Family Recipes for the Whole Family to Enjoy

Nothing quite brings people together like food – and all parents know the importance of early nutrition for a child’s development. We all lead busy lives and understand the gnawing question, ‘what’s for dinner?’ and we have been particularly focused on food and nutrition in our parent
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Grow Your Own: Easy Herbs and Veggies to Grow at Home with Your Little Ones

Looking for something new to teach your little ones or maybe something to learn with them? Gardening is the perfect hobby to try out. Not only does it give children a reason to be out in nature, but it also helps to teach them vital skills that will help them in adult life. Gardening
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Benefits of Music in Early Childhood Education

As a parent, we’re sure you’ve noticed the popularity of music classes for children. Nearly all early development or childcare groups make music a priority when interacting with and encouraging children to express themselves. But why is music so important in early childhood education?
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Preparing for Big School

After many years at nursery where the children grew comfortable and confident, it is natural for both parents and children to have some nerves about starting big school where everything is new! We frequently discuss this with parents, so we thought we’d take the time to share our advi
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5 Easy Ways To Reduce Your Child’s Screen Time

We are raising children in the most technically advanced age – and that makes screen time somewhat unavoidable! Of course, some technology can be incredibly helpful for children’s development; television aimed to build their understanding of the world and online activities are fantast
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4 Fun Things To Do This Summer With Children

Summer 2020 was unlike any other we’ve experienced before, but 2021 already seems to be a lot better. With the roll out of vaccination programmes and lockdowns being lifted, many entertainment and recreational areas have been reopened. Still, we need to ensure the safety of our
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What To Do If Your Child Is A Fussy Eater

Fussy eating in children is a common complaint of many parents, so if you’re visiting this blog page to seek advice, know that you’re not doing anything wrong! Childhood is all about experiencing new things – and some children are just more adventurous than others with food! That bein
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The Importance of Accepting Your Toddler’s Feelings

We talk a lot, as parents, about a certain period of childhood development that can be challenging for both child and parent. You may have heard this period referred to as the ‘terrible twos’ or the period where your child is a ‘threenager’. So-called because of the frequent upsets an
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